2009 has been another crazy roller coaster ride, but thankfully one I quite enjoyed. Amidst all the turmoil in my personal life this year, the end has done rather well to redeem the suck that was the beginning of 2009. And I owe a lot of that to books and the blogging world.
I've only been among your ranks since October 13th (it feels like it's been much longer!), but I already feel like I found a place here. I've come to know so many wonderful people, whether it be through our blogs or twitter, and I can't even begin to tell you how awesome you all are! So thanks guys for helping me keep my sanity and welcoming me to a place where I can share my thoughts and express what I love (or sometimes didn't love) about the awesome books I read. ♥
NOW, time for some of my favorite things from 2009!

► Yeah, I may have gone a little overboard, haha. Let's just say that 2009 was my year for books. When I began the year I never even thought I'd pass 50 but, lo and behold, I ended up finishing with 118! Crazy! (My full list for 2009) - I can already tell that 2010 is going to be an excellent year for books and I cannot wait! :D

► So many movies that made my geeky heart soar with glee! I was totally lacking in the movie department this year (I think I went to the movies around 4 times) but I'm fairly happy with what I did see. Star Trek and Sherlock Holmes were among the best released movies this year, in my opinion, and they are definitely two of my favorites. Overall, a pretty sweet year for movies. (Grand total for movies seen in 2009: 113 - Of the 113, 63 were new, never seen before)
I was going to do a list for TV shows but this list has taken me long enough, haha. I never really do resolutions for my personal life because, well, life is too unpredictable. But for 2010, I will make an exception for reading.
In 2010 I hope to:
● Read more (and pass my 118 books read this year)
● Review more (around 2-3 a week)
● Maintain an active and engaging blog
● Host more author interviews and giveaways
● Comment, comment, comment!
Easy peasy, right? Haha. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and I hope 2010 brings you lovely bloggers everything you want and more. Happy reading! :)
P.S. Don't forget! There is still some time to sign up for my BONESHAKER giveaway! Ends tomorrow. :)